Our Story

Dear Reader,

Lili and Mum’s was a fun part of my life years ago. I don’t post new tutorials anymore, but I plan to leave what’s here for as long as possible. Thanks for visiting with me, and feel free to ask questions! I try to answer all weaving questions and comments. I would also love it if you would check out this Bible video series to learn more about the Bible from the Bible itself: Searching for Truth. Thank you for your interest and have a blessed day!



We worked hard to create and curate the content you see here! All photos and information on our site were created by us and are our personal property, unless they are otherwise credited. If you would like to share any of our photos, please give us due credit by linking back to our website. If you would like to share any of our original information, please provide a link to our website rather than copying and pasting the text elsewhere. If you want to share a recipe, please give proper credit and feel free to adjust or reword it. Let us know you have shared our stuff so we can thank you. Thanks a bunch!

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