Snood – An Odd Word for a Pretty Hair Covering


My husband laughs at the word.  It’s such an unflattering word for such a pretty hair accessory.  He asked why I was making something which hangs over a turkey’s beak.  Anyway…If you’d like to learn a little (and I mean a little) about the history of snoods, here’s the wiki page.

My Mum mentioned one time that I should try making a snood.  I had thought about it and decided it was high time I tried.  It wasn’t as hard as I thought, but it’s definitely not a project for beginners.  I went off of this pattern, but made mine shorter so that it did not look like a nurse’s bonnet.  I made mine out of light blue cotton, which worked up well and is comfortable.   I inserted an elastic band and covered it with a white ribbon.

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