Simple Mickey Wreath for the Seasons

Here’s a post that’s been a year in the making!

I can’t take complete credit for this adorable idea since I saw the basic plan on Pinterest, but my husband and I enjoyed picking out our own decorations for each season. As time progresses, we may add or change bits of the designs, but the best part is it’s super easy to do!

Basic How-to:

You will need:

  • 1 medium to large wreath (We chose the grapevine variety.)
  • 2 small wreaths (Lay these three wreaths out at the store to check the proportions.)
  • I roll of grapevine wire or other wire to match your wreaths
  • 1 roll of floral wire
  • Your chosen decorations
  • A wreath hanger
  • Wire-cutting pliers (Do NOT use scissors! You will ruin the blades!)
  • Newspaper to lay on your work surface (if needed)
  1. Lay your three wreaths out on a flat work surface. Place your large wreath in the center and position the two small wreaths at the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock positions as looks right to you.
  2. Use the grapevine wire to attach the ‘ears’ to the ‘head.’ I just wrapped the wire around the joint of the two wreaths and in a couple of figure-eights around the joint. Then, I twisted it in the back. You will not need the entire roll of grapevine wire. Make sure everything is sturdy before continuing.
  3. Voila! You have a Mickey wreath. Easy! You won’t have to do this again.
  4. Now for the fun part. Lay out your decorations on your wreath, and play with them until you are satisfied with the look. You can go with as little or as much decoration as you wish. Use the floral wire to attach your decorations. Make sure your wire lengths are long enough to go through the wreath and twist a few times. I roll the excess up and gently stuff it into the back of the wreath.
  5. Once you are finished attaching the decorations, hold your wreath up to test the sturdiness of your work. If anything is wiggly, you’ll need to use more floral wire to stabilize it. Overall, I used much less floral wire than I thought I would need, but of course, this depends on the location of your wreath and the decorations you choose.
  6. Hang your wreath and enjoy! Make sure opening and closing the door doesn’t jar your decorations too much. If it does, go back to step 5.
  7. Now, after a while, you might want to change the decorations. If so, lay your wreath out on your work surface and gently untwist the wires to remove the decorations. I try to reuse the floral wire where I can. Start from step 4 for your updated wreath.

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial, and if you make your own Mickey wreath, let me know!

If you’re wondering what the odd words in the captions are, they’re the Irish words for Christmas, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. For the past year or so, I’ve been having a blast learning Irish. I hope you’ll always take time to learn something new too!