Log Cabin Weaving on the Commercial Scene

Please Note: This post is not a paid or free endorsement of Bed, Bath, and Beyond or the Magnolia Home collection. It is meant for design inspiration purposes only.

Magnolia Home Geraldine 22-Inch x 22-Inch Accent Pillow in Beige/Olive

Magnolia Home Geraldine 22-Inch x 22-Inch Accent Pillow in Beige/Olive https://tinyurl.com/zrnab6g

What a wonderful surprise it was to see the somewhat under-loved Log Cabin pattern on new pillows by Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper fame!  For the many of you who have come to our site for our Log Cabin tutorial, I wanted to share with you this idea for your own home.

In Joanna’s pillow, the front weaving is done in 100% wool and the back is 100% cotton material; however, you could easily do the whole front and back woven by making a long rectangle (a little more than twice as big as your desired finished size) and folding it on the short side. Then, you would secure the open sides. You have several options:

  • No Fringe: Hemstitch the warp ends and sew all three loose sides.
  • Fringe on 1 Side: Sew the selvages (sides) and tie the loose warp strands in knots or fringe.
  • Fringe on 3 Sides: Or, to make the fringe you see above on three sides, you could make each weft strand a separate strand rather than weaving one long strand back and forth. Then, you would twist or braid the sides into fringe (as above).  If necessary, you could sew or tack the edges.
  • Fringe on 4 Sides: Alternately, you could weave two separate rectangles and twist the fringe on all four sides. This can be done on only one warp by leaving a space between woven pieces which equals the length of two untwisted fringes (one length for each side of the pillow) and 2-3 inches of waste. If you wish to do this, this extra length would need to be calculated in your total warp length from the beginning. Here’s the weaving calculator I use.

Here are the other two pillows:

Magnolia Home Bernice 22-Inch x 22-Inch Accent Pillow in Grey/Ivory

Magnolia Home Bernice 22-Inch x 22-Inch Accent Pillow in Grey/Ivory https://tinyurl.com/z4ttklm

Magnolia Home Gladys 22-Inch x 22-Inch Accent Pillow in Cream

Magnolia Home Gladys 22-Inch x 22-Inch Accent Pillow in Cream https://tinyurl.com/zwq3qnf

The loose fringe on these two pillows is usually done by making small knots in the loose warp and weft strands or by sewing the edges together with the loose ends left untied. Make sure to carefully trim the fringe if you want an even look all around.

Note how these two pillows are made with different yarn thicknesses. This and the chosen color palette will strongly influence the overall look.

If you have any questions about the weaving of these types of pieces, please feel free to ask, and I will do my best to help you out!

Happy Weaving!

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