Refashions #3: Bohemian Girl’s Dress from a Less-than-Perfect Young Ladies’ Skirt

For my third refashion project, I chose this pretty young ladies’ Bohemian skirt:

This skirt was really pretty, but the elastic was really worn-out. I thought it would make a cute little dress. It did!

First, I measured the waist and marked the width I wanted for the new dress with pins. Then, I pinned down the sides of the skirt, making sure to leave it wide and flowy. Next, I sewed my new side seams and trimmed off the excess. Using the fabric I trimmed off, I made two straps and sewed them to the top of the dress, crossed in the back.

Lastly, I thought it needed a little something extra, so I made a little button flower with some of the scrap fabric as well as a coordinating fabric.

So what do you think?